CDP Scoring Assessment (2022)
Don't leave your CDP score to chance. With our Scoring Assessment service, your draft response will be scored by two independent, CDP-trained scorers at ADEC. We will tell you exactly how many points you are losing for each question and give you detailed, company-specific recommendations on how you can improve your response. You will also get an estimate of your final CDP score so there are no surprises when you officially submit.
- Choose whether you would like a Scoring Assessment for the CDP Climate Change, Water Security, or Forests Questionnaire. Each Questionnaire requires a separate Scoring Assessment.
- Do you respond to CDP's General or Sector-Based Questionnaire? Pick the option that applies to you.
- Add an extra level of security with our Premium upgrade. With Premium, you will get an extra round of review and another call with our consultants to make sure you're getting the best score you can.
ADEC ESG Solutions has offices on almost every continent. With decades of experience helping global companies enhance their ESG programs and meet their sustainability goals and more than 10 years of CDP experience, our team helped over 90% of clients achieve a Management score or higher in 2021.
Need help choosing the service that's right for you? Click here to schedule a call with one of our experts. We’ll talk you through ways you can improve your overall ESG program and help you decide which of our services best fit your goals.
After you submit a draft of your completed CDP response to us, it will be scored by two of our independent, CDP-trained scorers. The scorers will evaluate your draft response with the same scoring process as any formally submitted response.
The Scoring Assessment will identify the points that would be awarded, the points that would be lost for each question, an explanation of why points were lost, company-specific recommendations on how to improve your responses, and an estimated overall scoring level and letter band.
The service will also include a 1-hour review call with an ADEC CDP specialist to discuss the findings of the Scoring Assessment and answer any further questions. Using the Scoring Assessment report in combination with the review call, you can make any further revisions necessary in terms of restructuring answers and adding detail in an effort to ensure your answers align as closely as possible with those required by the CDP Scoring Methodology.
- A 30-minute kick-off call
- A written Scoring Assessment in PDF of your CDP response that provides question-by-question details of the points not awarded, an explanation of why, and suggestions (where applicable) for improving the answer to each question.
- A 1-hour call to review the results.
- The Scoring Assessment includes the main CDP questionnaire and no additional modules (e.g. Supply Chain module). It includes any Sector-Based questions if that option is purchased.
- The Scoring Assessment report is typically delivered within 10 business days of when we receive a company's draft CDP response and any supporting materials, like verification statements.
- The Scoring Assessment will be based on the most current CDP Scoring Methodology available at the time of the assessment.
Premium upgrade:
After you have updated your response using our Scoring Assessment, we will review it and prepare another report that provides details of any remaining points that were not awarded, an explanation of the scoring, and suggestions for improving the response to each question. You will also get a 45-minute call with an ADEC CDP specialist to discuss the findings of this report and answer any remaining questions.